Burp Clothes = done

I finally finished up the order for burp clothes I started the last weekend.  The customer was specific on what she wanted which made making them very easy.  I like when I know exactly what someone wants.  Even though picking things myself is fun, as the seamstress it leaves you wondering if they will like what you picked.  This way you know they will like it!  I also snapped some pictures of my kids while we were making Fathers Day gifts.  I will show the finished products next post…

I hope everyone is having a wonderful week so far.  My week looks pretty busy but I’ll try to fit in some sewing time!

Until next time~










Found some time and….

made a set of burp clothes for a custom order. I absolutely LOVE making these! They are quick and easy and turn out just precious every time!

Here’s how ya do it.  Head down to your local Wally World and pick you a up a pack of cloth diapers.  Cut you a strip of fabric (your desired width)  I did mine 3.5 in wide.  Set your Sewing machine on satin stitch and stitch down the edges of the fabric.  The possibilities are endless with these.  You can add ribbon, lace, rick rack etc.. to embellish them.    These make GREAT baby shower gifts too!

Now, go sew something!
